
Aku baru tau batas temen facebook cuma 5000

Gini ni ceritanya..

Kemarin aku seperti biasa aja buka facebook. Trus aku iseng - iseng search nama - nama cewe. Pas udah agak lama, aku liat ada gambar cewe cantik tuh.

Aku coba liat - liat profilnya. Trus aku berniat mau add dia. Eh malah ada tulisan kayak gini :

Too many friends.
Sorry, this user already has too many friends.

Habis gitu aku langsung :ngacir: browsing di google tapi gg ketemu. Langsung aja aku nanya ke Yahoo ama ke Kaskus. :malu2

Tadi aku liat jawabannya ternyata katanya temen facebook itu batasnya cuma 5000 aku kira ga terbatas (kecewa deh). :bingung:
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


An ENTJ Person. A software engineer, experienced in web development, especially in Java. The best graduate of engineering field of Bandung State Polytechnic. Self-motivated and adaptable person. Highly passionate about IT stuff. A fast learner, always curious and loves to learn something new. Has a strong logical and analytical thinking. [Faris Arifiansyah] (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/9-OcR6PfTb9wECGLmzP0uzrFor9GiXdbMHRt_eXiIh9D_kdopGPGDogIuhWVlCaeBfGONpDMz54MuZHfm98s=w1920-h925)