
Pindah Artikel Dari Wordpress Ke Blogger / Blogspot

Kali ini saya akan memberi tau bagaimana cara memindahkan artikel dari wordpress ke blogger / blogspot.

Langsung saja :ngacir::

1. Login ke wordpress anda

2. Masuk ke menu tools > Ekspor > download xml-nya

3. Setelah itu, buka situs ini

4. Pada choose file, masukkan file yg tadi telah di ekspor dari wordpress.

5. klik convert

6. Login ke blogger ( Kalau belum punya buat dulu.. )

7. Masuk ke pengaturan

8. Impor blog

9. upload file xml yang tadi telah di convert.

10. selesai

moga berguna...
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


  1. hahhahahaha, mantep bgt gan...
    gw nyari nyari cara mindahin artikel ke blog, panjang2 penjelasannya, tpi ga bisa2 gw gan...

    tapi blog ini mantap gan, karang gw dah bisa mindahin artikelnya gan...

    thanks banyak gan...

  2. kalo cara mengalihkan wordpress ke blogspot gimana? soalnya WP sy ga kan dipake lg, mau pindah ke blogspot... mohon jawabannya.. tq


An ENTJ Person. A software engineer, experienced in web development, especially in Java. The best graduate of engineering field of Bandung State Polytechnic. Self-motivated and adaptable person. Highly passionate about IT stuff. A fast learner, always curious and loves to learn something new. Has a strong logical and analytical thinking. [Faris Arifiansyah] (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/9-OcR6PfTb9wECGLmzP0uzrFor9GiXdbMHRt_eXiIh9D_kdopGPGDogIuhWVlCaeBfGONpDMz54MuZHfm98s=w1920-h925)