
Software uxtheme patcher untuk xp sp3

Bingung nyari - nyari uxtheme patcher buat xp sp3 ??

Sekarang ga usah bingung.. Setelah browsing di mbah google, akhirnya aku dapet juga software-nya.

Nama software-nya adalah UxTender..
Tau ga fungsi software ini?? Software ini berfungsi untuk nge-patch file uxtheme.dll. Lho? ngapain di patch? di patch agar kita bisa mengganti theme xp dengan theme yang kita download..

Buat yang mau uxtender, silahkan download disini

Segini dulu deh.. selamat mencoba..
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


  1. boleh minta screenshotnya?

  2. @dhyonz, Sayangnya saya udah ga pake xp jadi ga ada screenshotnya.. maap ya..


An ENTJ Person. A software engineer, experienced in web development, especially in Java. The best graduate of engineering field of Bandung State Polytechnic. Self-motivated and adaptable person. Highly passionate about IT stuff. A fast learner, always curious and loves to learn something new. Has a strong logical and analytical thinking. [Faris Arifiansyah] (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/9-OcR6PfTb9wECGLmzP0uzrFor9GiXdbMHRt_eXiIh9D_kdopGPGDogIuhWVlCaeBfGONpDMz54MuZHfm98s=w1920-h925)