
Asik juga main blackberry simulator

Ga punya blackberry?
Tenang aja ga usah sedih gitu. haha.. Aku juga ga punya kok.

Jadi ceritanya gini, Kakakku kan punya BB nih, Aku agak ngiri juga sebenernya. Dan kebetulan sebulan ini aku di pinjemin BB-nya. Sebelum BB-nya dibalikin, aku mu puas - puasin dulu nih pake Blackberry ini. Eh ternyata, baru seminggu pake BB aja udah bangkrut lagi. Mu internetan kalo ga pake paket huh mahalnya minta ampun. Akhirnya nyobain pake paket gaul aja yang harian. Kebetulan aku pake im3 jadi 2000/hari.

Ga kerasa udah 3 hari berlangganan, pulsa ngurang 6000. Jadi males juga nih pakenya. Akhirnya coba iseng2 aja download blackberry simulator dan ternyata lumayan juga.

Bisa diliat nih screenshotnya:

Macam - macam aplikasi yang tersedia:





Gimana? Keren kan?
Lumayan kan buat dipake update status via blackberry atau update tweets via uber social. haha..
Oiya, buat yang mu download bisa disini

Kalo gambarnya kurang jelas di klik aja..

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


  1. bb emang mahal kalau g paketan . bisa buat bangkrut :D

  2. bener banget mba... hehe :D

  3. eo8M6E I came across to your post and found it very useful for me. Thanks and good luck!)


An ENTJ Person. A software engineer, experienced in web development, especially in Java. The best graduate of engineering field of Bandung State Polytechnic. Self-motivated and adaptable person. Highly passionate about IT stuff. A fast learner, always curious and loves to learn something new. Has a strong logical and analytical thinking. [Faris Arifiansyah] (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/9-OcR6PfTb9wECGLmzP0uzrFor9GiXdbMHRt_eXiIh9D_kdopGPGDogIuhWVlCaeBfGONpDMz54MuZHfm98s=w1920-h925)